Q:    Are you able to help with setting up or checking my credit application form? 
A: YES, please download a copy of our suggested credit application forms here: https://www.creditintel.co.za/legaldocs.html
Q: Can we continue to contact debtors for payment once it has been handed over? 
A: No. We strongly advise that you do not continue to pursue debtors for money after it has been handed over, as this could compromise the collection process. 
Q: Can we hand over disputes? 
A: No. The correct way is to resolve disputes before handing over such accounts to Credit Intel 
Q: What is the minimum amount that I can hand over? 
A: R100 
Q: Can I accept a payment arrangement from my client once it has been handed over. 
A: You should not accept a payment arrangement from your client once handed over. Refer the client to us and we will handle the payment arrangement, to circumvent any possible future disputes. 
Q: Are all your calls recorded? 
A: Yes – All calls are recorded and are available to clients. 
Q: How often do you report back to us after handing over. 
A: Once a month a Status Report is sent to you, detailing the latest information on each account handed over. 
Q: How often do we get our collected monies? 
A: Once a month, after month end providing the funds have cleared. NAEDO debit orders have a 40 day clearance period. 
Q: What is your success rate? 
A: Our success rate varies widely between customers. We collect 100% within the first month for customers and as little as 18% over three years for others. The success is highly dependent on information provided at handover, type of debt, debtor and industry. Do not believe debt collectors that state that their success rate is a specific percentage such as 98%. This is simply false. 
Q: Can you collect against individuals as well as businesses? 
A: Yes. 
Q: What about interest on outstanding money? 
A: Our system charges interest in accordance to the maximum prescribed by law. Interest collected is paid over to our client. 
Q: What happens to the interest that Credit Intel earns on it’s trust account? 
A: Interest earned on trust funds are paid to the Council for Debt Collectors. 
Q: Can I get more detailed information on a matter? 
A: Yes. You can request a Detailed Debtors Report at any time by email. Please be aware that this report could be numerous pages on a debtor, therefore it is not advisable to do large volumes of debtors, due to the amount of emails. 
Q: Optimal age and amount of debt to handover. 
A: 30 day account - 45 days. Rental – day 4 of the new month if rent is unpaid. Early stage – when it becomes due. 
Q: Do you need supporting documentation when handing over accounts? 
A: No. We will request documents such as an agreement and statement only once it reaches our legal department. 
Q: How do you charge your fees? 
A: Subscription fee plus percentage fee on capital collected. Debtors’ fees are charged to debtors in accordance with the law. 
Q: When will you pay me the money you collected? 
A: On the 5th of each month for all monies received in the previous month. Debit orders and cheques may be subject to clearance periods. 
Q: Do I have to fill out CI excel handover spreadsheet? 
A: Preferably, however we do accept handovers in your own Excel or .csv format.
Q: When will you go legal on my debtors? 
A: This is dependent on many factors. A tenant in a leased property will enter the legal process quickly to enable eviction. Debtors falling under the National Credit Act(NCA) will enter legal typically several months after handover, to exhaust pre-legal efforts and to enable compliance within the NCA. 
Q: If I write off the debt, will you still collect from the debtor? 
A: Absolutely. Don’t forget to claim value added tax when writing off debtors. 
Q: What are you doing to collect my debt? 
A: There is a detailed process on pre-legal and legal that is followed, detailed in our brochure
Q: What does it mean if the debtor is sequestrated or liquidated?  
A: The liabilities exceed the assets and the company or individual is declared insolvent either by a creditor or ex-parte (self). 
Q: What do we do if debtor is sequestrated or liquidated? 
A: We will obtain the trustees or liquidators details and forward it to you, so that you can submit a claim. 
Q: Can the debtor pay into my account? 
A: Yes absolutely. However, you need to declare payments to us on a monthly basis to avoid additional charges. 
Q: How do i allocate funds from monies received?
A: See example here